"Richard is heavily involved in making sure tasks happen and we have achieved a lot in a short space of time."

Charles Dickie – Dickie Direct Limited

Systems and Processes – Reduce waste

  • Implementing robust systems and processes should result in more of your top line revenue flowing through to your bottom line, and ultimately your back pocket. Systems and processes reduce your ‘personal goodwill’ or the business value that is attributable to you, the owner. As a result, a potential new owner will have greater confidence the business will continue to function without your involvement and therefore be more likely to pay a premium for it.

  • Richard will help you identify the key processes that contribute to the performance of your business, then map best practice. Creating the right checklists at the right stages of each process can also play a huge part in ensuring your business runs smoothly and without chaos.

  • Throughout his career Richard has gained extensive experience and been recognised for his proficiency in developing systems that add value.

Business Planning – Leave nothing to chance

  • In today’s fast changing world, planning is essential to stay ahead of the pack. Robust planning also ensures you maximise all possible opportunities and minimise risks and other factors that could adversely impact on your businesses performance. Lenders and other capital providers will also take comfort and are likely to have a greater appetite to support your business when a well thought through business plan exists.

  • Richards business planning process will generate a valuable working document and ensure you are leaving nothing to chance.

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